Thursday, March 26, 2009

Wednesday 25th - Wigging out

After the hospital, I caught the bus back to town for a nice lunch with TW and LL. I got there quite early and had a good catch up with K before I went out with the other two. Lunch was lovely and then LL and I headed up to Gregory Terrace to find the Cancer Council to have a look at their "wig library". It turned out that the CCQ was at FIVE HUNDRED and fifty three, not fifty three as I'd written down. At least we got a little bit of exercise!

The wig library was a bit smaller than I'd envisioned, just a room with a dressing table/mirror and a cupboard full of wigs. I liked the first one I tried on and then I got to choose a turban and another hat to take away with me. It was quite fun and the best thing is that the items are all on loan, so they didn't cost a thing. L wants to try the wig on but I'm sure with his hair it will stretch. At the moment it still looks a bit bouffy on me because my own hair underneath adds bulk.

Afterwards, LL and I had a very quiet and relaxing beer at a nearby hotel, old style on the verandah under the shade. We were the only people there and it was fabulous. We had a lovely time just chatting about this and that and 'talking shit'.