Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sunday 8th - Mixed

Got up at about 7.30am in order to take the Synarel and later took the injection and even later the tablet (forgot about that one). Felt fairly energetic so I put on a load of washing and then did a gentle 20 minute ride of the exercise bike. I did some reading for my course and Mike played his game for about 3 hours... we found some headphones which had a long enough extension to plug into the TV and reach the couch, which was fantastic. No more noise from the game.

We did a bit of housework, with L doing the majority of it, but the chemical chlorine smell from the new bathroom cleaner drove me outside as it was giving me a headache. I often get headaches from smells like that, but I think I might be a bit more sensitive to it this time because of the drugs/hormones/generally being a bit run down. While sitting outside I felt a bit light headed and then my body felt like it was sinking/melting into the chair - I could hardly move. I just closed my eyes and felt my head loll back. I could hardly hold onto the glass of water L'd brought me.

He lit some incense inside to help get rid of the toxic smell and I moved inside onto the couch to do some more reading. When that got too much, I lay down for a snooze on the couch. I have a vague recollection of being woken up by being asked if I was sleeping and after that I dozed for a bit. I must have slpet/dozed for about 2 - 3 hours, woke up thirsty, and then made the effort to get up and we went for a 15 minute stroll just before dark. Still got the headache from the cleaner and feel nauseous when I go into the bathroom. The door is kept closed to try to keep the smell out from the rest of the flat.

I've definitely had more headaches lately, since starting on the injections. Still feeling very tired, despite the nap and the walk. Have been doing my exercises but these are hard today too. I can feel more sensation in my arm, but unfortunately the sensation is often related to discomfort or even pain!