Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sunday 1st - Zonked

It's been a busy day. But a good one on the whole, in between times of being in almost complete body numbness! I think the painkillers make me pretty dozy. We've been watching episodes of Outrageous Fortune on DVD and there is one episode when the character, Munter, has a "complete body stone", i.e. he's so stoned that he can't move. Well, I think I know what that feels like now! Unfortunately there wasn't any accompanying feeling of euphoria for me (come to think of it I don't think there was for Munter either).

L helped me have a shower this morning, which was hard but made me feel sooo much better. I realised as I was taking my t-shirt off that it was the first time he'd seen me naked post operation. I was too ashamed/self-conscious to show him before. I'm so glad he didn't comment about anything, because I don't think I could have handled it. It was very thoughtful of him not to. I had a dream last night that the medication I'm taking for the IVF made my breasts shrivel up. I wonder if it might be true? I've go no sense of them or my body at the moment.