Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Wednesday 11th - Good stuff

Up to the hospital to see Dr Ben this morning at 8.40am. He told us the GREAT news that I don't need any more surgery. Uhamdel'allah. Very happy about that. We also talked a bit more about further treatment (chemo/radiation) and he answered our questions and told us some anecdotes. He's such a nice guy. Very personable and open but professional too.

After Ben, we saw Patsy, who touched base to make sure everything was ok. She's definitely the person in charge of a lot of things and she really makes you feel like she whips the others into shape but she's also on the side of the patient.

After Patsy, we saw Hildegard, who showed me some more exercises and further things to do with dates when I can start doing them. She was pleased with my progress so far.

Back home briefly. L and Dad went for a tiki-tour to drop some papers off to L's accountant and I made some phone calls. Firstly to QFG about the fees schedule they'd sent in a letter to me. It ended out that they'd sent the usual letter for public patients but they didn't know it was related to oncology. They said they'd sort it out. They said it was because I hadn't indicated 'oncology' on the pre-admission form. But from what I can remember, there wasn't a space to write that and as fas as I knew the nurse we'd spoken to at Eve Health a few weeks ago knew it was oncology related so I didn't think I had to raise it again. But all sorted (they said).

The second call was about a referral letter. Eve Health wanted a referral letter from my GP, even though earlier I'd told them that I'd been referred by the RBWH (but I wasn't sure who exactly because that day was such a whirlwind of interviews and events). I rang my GP's clinic to ask about a letter, but they said I would need a consult to get the letter. I thought, blow that I'm not spending $55 on a consult especially when my GP hasn't been involved at all except for the very first ultrasound scan and mammogram.

So I rang trusty Patsy and she put me right by telling me that the referral letter is in my notes and has been all along, signed by Professor Ung and dated 9th February. I told them that at the clinic later that day and gave them Patsy's number if they wanted to follow that up. So that was good. Especially knowing I had the support from Patsy and the RWBH team. Eve Health have been great as well, but I think perhaps because they are new they are still working their systems out that they haven't had an oncology patient through yet whose referral etc is a bit different to the usual patient.

We went for a celebratory lunch at Fundies in Paddington and then down to Eve Health in South Brisbane (near Southbank) for my check up and scan with Dr Yazdani. That all went well and I could see how my follicles have swelled in size thanks to the FSH. Got some more Puregon (FSH) and will see him again on Friday morning for bloods and another scan. I really like the way Dr Yasdani asks what medication I'm on. Rather than say, you're on xyz, aren't you, he gets me to say exactly what I take, how much, and when. Good concept checking questions! Home again after that to wait for the power to come back on.