Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sunday 1st - Treats

Has a lot of special and nice things happen. Last night, Mum ordered our dinner for us from a local cafe and paid for it on her credit card. We had a delivery of some of our most favourite food (I don't know how she found out about L's passion for pork ribs!) at 5.30, which was absolutely great. We were far to exhausted to even think about how to get our own food, a feeling which Mum had remembered from last time. It was so good not to have to worry about it.

Today, our friend LL came over and baked a delicious carrot cake for us in our kitchen, and then did the dishes afterwards. It was so great to chat (although I think I was a bit 'stoned' on painkillers by that stage) and the cake was spot on. I ate so much of it but it was sooo gooood. While she was over, E & A and S & A also dropped by, both couples passing through and stopping in to check on us. I laughed so much when S accidentally stuck his arm to L's eye-patch bandage and it was flapping off his elbow. It was the funniest thing I'd seen all weekend. S also volunteered (via A) to do my injections for me of the FSH when those start up, which was nice.

After they left, C and M came around to drop off a pedestal fan. It was 36 degrees today and our little a/c unit in the bedroom was working overtime. The fan just made all the difference to me sitting still on the couch. You might even say that it was FANtastic (ba boom). C has also offered lay-z-boy chairs and complete air conditioning and cheesy movies at theirs complete with chauffeur too, as she's not working full time this coming week. Might be nice for L to have a break if they want to tag-team. I was starting to fade by then, and I can't even remember C and M leaving. I had a snooze on the couch (my 'full body stone'), and when I woke up L brushed my hair for me and brought me a cup of tea. Those cups of tea have been flowing and I do like that.

Another treat is that Dad and step-mother might be coming over this weekend. That would be awesome. Hopefully they will be able to stay for a week or so. I'd really like that. It will be a bit cramped here at Chez BreastCancer, so they're ok to find alternative accommodation which is good. Come to think of it, the place next door is empty... although that also means empty of furniture. Plus a very nosey neighbour living directly opposite. The nosey neighbour has a multitude of ongoing health problems and I don't want to tell her about my situation, because, as I said to our nice neighbour, I don't want to upstage her. I saw the nosey one the other day and she commented that we've been having a lot of deliveries to our place (because the delivery people can never find our door, so they go to the main block first). I mentioned something vague in response about pizza delivery drivers not listening to instructions and left it at that.