Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sunday 22nd - Swelling subsided

My swelling seems to have subsided a bit as well, which I've very happy about. The tummy is a little bit less bloated, and my upper arm and side of my breast, which had felt very tight and swollen yesterday, have gone down and almost feel normal. I still have limited sensation on my upper arm, a little bit on the shoulder, and under my arm towards the elbow, but it feels 'normal' as long as there is nothing touching it.

I've also noticed that when I go from a warm area into a cool area, for example from outside into the supermarket, or into the cool section of the supermarket, that that area goes prickly with the cold. My whole body does when it changes temperature quickly (hairs raising up on arms), but it's a stronger feeling in that particular area. Must be more sensitive.

I've got to remember to keep patting the back of my arm, to help regain sensation. I've also been doing my exercises. Mum said that the 6-week mark is key. Until then the tissue is healing and easier to stretch. After then, it's scar-tissue and much more difficult to stretch. This news has certainly spurred me on to get my full range of motion back. I'm getting there, but the upwards salute is still the most difficult.