Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wednesday 18th - L's adventures in fertility-land

When we saw the nurse prior to the EPU, she asked L if he'd bring his contribution in or if he'd do it there. He's under the policy that "fresh is best", so had decided to do it there. There was quite a long set of instructions on how to get to the prescribed room. And apparently a queue as well! It sounded like Alice through the rabbit hole, but luckily the directions were also printed on the back of the DVD cover.

Yes, a DVD and apparently magazines are provided. (But would you want to touch them? I remember moving into a flat once and finding left over magazines from the rooms previous inhabitant... and the pages were STUCK together. Eww.) I asked the nurse what the DVD was (naievely thinking it was instructions on how to get it into the jar or something!) and she said she didn't know, didn't want to know, and that I should ask Mike when we got home. Ha ha.

So, naturally, I did ask! And would you believe it was pornography. OK, I'd figured it out by then. But the funniest part is what KIND or pornography it was. In pornographic movies, they have a 'scene', like beach scene, or office, or motel, or plumber/pool cleaner (builder?) plus client, etc. You get the drift. But can you imagine what this one was? L tried to get me to guess, saying I'd "been there" recently. WTF? I had no clue! Apparently it was a gynocologist/patient scenario!!! Can you believe it? Wouldn't that put you OFF? I can understand if it was woman in stirrups on the bed with the gyno, the gyno nips out and the partner walks in to take over certain business, but with the gyno!!??! He said he had to fast forward that one (and if you can imagine pornography in fast forward, that must be quite funny).

But then the rest of them (he claimed) were "doctors and nurses" scenarios. Almost as bad! You don't want to think that your health professionals are getting up to that kind of thing. Even if it is "fantasy" and even if they really do (it must happen...), well afterwards when you're having to listen to their advice as professionals, it must be a bit off-putting! I wonder if the nurses acutally know what is on the DVD... and I wonder who supplied it?!?! Surely not my gyno; he's as camp as a row of tents (thank goodness!).