Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tuesday 17th - Heavy breast

As for the breast, it looks OK but feels 'heavy' when compared to the other one. I got L to help me decide if the left was definitely heavier than the right. He was very happy to oblige.

I can't see any 'waterbed' effect that Patsy told us to look out for (fluid moving under the skin like water in the bladder of the waterbed), nor is there any excess swelling which Hildegard said to look out for.

I haven't seen anyone since to operation to take a look at the breast or the area yet. I guess that will come in time. They did say to ring or contact them if I had ANY questions or concerns. At the moment I don't.

I didn't wear a bra today because it digs in a bit at the left side under the arm. Bigger red marks than usual. When I do wear one, I have to get L to undo it for me. Again, he is happy to oblige, and to practice his expert-one-handed-bra-removal technique. He's very good at it.