Friday, March 20, 2009

Friday 20th - IVF: What next?

The remaining embryos will be frozen today, where they will remain until we need them. All very exciting. I am still recovering from the operation. The nurse from QFG rang me yesterday morning to ask how I was doing. I was doing fine then! But now it's got a bit sorer. I was warned that this would happen, so I just have to monitor myself and keep my fluids and protein up. I've been given a list of symptoms of mild OHSS and instructions on what to do if it gets worse. So far, things are 'normal'.

I can expect to get my period in about 2 weeks. That will be my last period for a long time. I'm still on the synarel and the femara drugs which keep my hormones at an absolute minimum. I'll get my period because of the injection which I gave myself on Monday night, which got my body ready to 'release' the eggs for the doctors to catch when they did the EPU. My body now thinks that I've ovulated (well, I have) and will act as normal, and shed the lining of the uterus. I must be very careful now to use protection if we have sex, as the last thing we want right now is to get pregnant! Not that it's likely to happen, as that's the last thing on my mind!

I also will see Dr Yazdani in about 2 weeks, for a check up and to see how everything is going. Hopefully that will be the end of that little adventure for the time being (as nice as Dr Yazdani is), because the new adventure of chemotherapy will be starting, which I think will be more than enough to keep us occupied.