Thursday, March 19, 2009

Thursday 19th - Sorer

I'm a bit sorer in the tum today that I was last night. It peaked at about midday, but then I had something to eat (had realised that I hadn't eaten anything all day until then) and upped my fluid intake as well. I am really trying to drink those 3 litres of water per day, but it's a struggle! I think I can manage 2. It means I'm going to the bathroom every 20 minutes! Feels like it, anyways.

I had some metamucil yesterday and I'm glad I did, because I think the painkillers they gave me when I was sleeping yesterday must have made me constipated again. Nowhere nearly as bad as before though. I forgot the check with them what they'd given me. I'm sure they told me, but I can't remember. Seems to be better now, although there was a little bit of blood. Had to make sure that wasn't from the vagina, and luckily (I think?) it wasn't.

I've had a few cramps and a few stronger twinges but it's no worse (as yet) than any heavy period pain I've had. I had one little moment of bending double, but who knows, that could have been the constipation!