Saturday, March 21, 2009

Saturday 21st - Frustration & Elvis

Had a few moments of frustration and misery today, no doubt brought on by the discomfort from the bloating and constipation. A few tears this morning - frustration and a tiny bit of despair. But I felt better after a little while with some cuddles from Mike and a chat (including a funny story about a dog) with Mum online. Chatting is great because you can type and not worry about your voice breaking. Later on I watched some 'Funniest Home Videos' which was good for a bit of laughter too. Silly, but funny.

I feel like I've had enough of my body misbehaving itself. We went to the supermarket and the chemist and I got some poo-inducing foods. I forgot to get the kiwifruit though! I know it's going to be bad during chemo too... not looking forward to that side of things. I did make a little progress today in that I managed a little poo. It sure took its time coming though! I felt like Elvis Presley, but had read on the internet (while researching constipation) not to 'strain' like he did, so I just did a lot of pacing, deep breathing and sitting. I was pleased that there was a little result but I know there's more to come.

Had a snooze this afternoon on the bed, with my arm propped up on a pillow. We were worried about it swelling up, which it has a tiny bit at the upper arm, but will wait until Monday when we have appointments with the breast nurse and the physio prior to seeing the oncologist. I was a lot more tired than I thought I was and even slept properly during my little doze. I guess my body is still telling me that it's working overtime. Probably still recovering from getting up so many times in the night for a pee. Hopefully systems will be back to normal soon before the next stage starts.