Saturday, March 14, 2009

Saturday 14th - Tender

Getting more and more tender in my ovaries and surrounding area. Like before I get my period. Not particularly pleasant, unfortunately. No massive swelling as yet or my stomach distended or anything like that. I have lost about 2 kg since the beginning of all of this (if the scales are right!), so maybe I'm not noticing any particular water-retention or swelling.

My trousers all seem to fit for the time being anyways. Here's hoping they stay that way, although the amount of chocolate I have comsumed in the past few days may tell a different tale. Interestingly, I haven't been getting headaches/migraines from the chocolate. D suggested it was because Whittaker's chocolate is far superior to any other kind, which is true. I guess it will only be a few more days of discomfort and then I'll have the EPU (egg pick up) on Tuesday or Wednesday next week. Looking forward to getting that over and done with.