Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tuesday 3rd - Pain

I'm a bit of pain. The painkillers are good but the panadol makes me so dopey and sleepy that I cant think or do anything. Probably that's a good thing for resting. The other one is stronger. You're supposed to wean yourself off the Endone (the stronger one) onto the paracetamol, and then off all together. I wanted to just go for the Endone and wean myself off that, but it has made me so constipated! Urgh! So at the moment, I'm off the panadol because I don't like having a fuzzy head, and orr the endone because I don't want to be constipated. Yes, the pain is worse but at the moment it's a nice change from the side effects of the painkillers. I think I'll take a panadol before bed. It's not actually 'Panadol' but they call the paracetamol that. I think it's called Paramax or Panamax or something like that. I've also been taking 'elevit' supplements for the IVF thing, to grow some nice healthy eggs.