Thursday, March 26, 2009

Wednesday 25th - Pizza!

Wednesday night we were so bushed that we ordered pizza in and ate it with neighbour J. I'm afraid we weren't much company for her because we were so tired, but we had a lovely night watching Spicks and Specks and The Gruen Transfer. J is probably horrified about the amount of TV we watch. She also has a sewing machine which I can borrow if I want to - yay! The CCQ gave me a booklet about managing hair loss and it included a pattern to make your own 'turban'. A turban is basically a little hat made of stretchy teeshirt material that you wear on your head (duh) under a hat, or just around the hous or while sleeping. KA has also volunteered to make me some in NZ too. I just have to scan and email her the pattern.