Thursday, March 19, 2009

Tursday 19th - It's not the size that counts

I wasn't ever worried about a simple reduction in size of my breast(s), and I'm still not. I don't see (the size of) my breasts as an essential part of my femininity, nor do I feel that they make me feel sexy or 'womanly' or female. They are just there and sometimes more than a hassle than they are worth (eg breast cancer, heaviness, tenderness, gropingness, not being able to find comfortable bras, which I am very fussy about).

I went through my whole teens with naught bigger than an A cup (predominantly AA) and early 20s a B-cup, so I got very used to the idea that I would never get any bigger in size than that, and accepted that I was beautiful the way I was. Yes, I was envious of larger busted women, coveting a C or D cup, but I'll never feel that way again even if I'm reduced back to less than an A.

After the second operation, I was more worried that I was severly lopsided than anything else, and had even thought about reduction of the right one to match the smaller left. The synarel (menopause-inducing) drug has helped me out in that area already. At the moment, the right one is definitely smaller (but not too flappy!) and left one is still a bit swollen which makes it bigger. I have a feeling that it's retaining a bit of fluid, but not excess, and will go back down eventually on its own or with some assistance from a draining session. Time will tell.

Basically, all I want is a simple matching pair. Size does not even enter into it.