Monday, March 9, 2009

Monday 9th - Beating Our Breasts

Mum and J lent me a book called 'Beating Our Breasts', which is about the breast cancer experiences of some well-known women in NZ. I read a couple of the stories and skimmed through the rest. Some of them were really good but others I couldn't relate much to. They were events which happened about 10 years ago or longer, and it seems like the technology has changed quite a bit (thankfully for me!), or perhaps the way it's treated in Australia is different. The women were also almost all over 50 when they were diagnosed and the fertility issue wasn't so important for them (none of them mentioned it). I'll go back to the book later when I have chemotherapy. It's great that it's there though, and that people can be open about sharing their experiences. One thing it does highlight is that everyone's experiences are different.