Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tuesday 10th - Quiet day

Was feeling a bit more tired today. Struggled to get out of bed this morning when my alarm went off for the synarel at 7.30am. L had made me a cup of tea even, which unfortunately went cold as I snoozed away. Might have had something to do with the fact that we were up a little bit late (11pm) because we couldn't resist and watched the first episode of OF series 4 last night. Dad had brought it over from NZ. Yippee!

Managed a gentle 20 minute pedal on the bike and even managed to hang some washing out (that was a feat indeed, slow and steady), and do some dishes. Met up with Dad and D at a nearby cinema but it took me longer than anticipated to get there, firstly because it took me longer to get ready, then the bus was late and then I had to walk (slowly) a fair distance. I'm trying to track if I feel queasy/tired after the injection and if so, then how many hours later.

The movie was good in that it was a nice sit-down for 2.5 hours, although towards the end my bladder was suffering a bit! Afterwards we ambled up to Paddington for a light lunch and then Dad came up to ours and D headed home to do some more work on his game project. Dad and I stopped in at Vinnie's (charity shop) on the way for a look at the old building as much as at the wares, and when we stepped out, who should be pulling up to give us a ride the rest of the way home but L. Talk about good timing. I was feeling better by this stage. Still a bit tired but good enough to maintain a conversation (I think). We skyped with step-mother when we got home and L went to the supermarket to buy groceries and then cooked us a delicious meal. Had a lovely quiet evening in and then dropped Dad off back at D's. Busy day tomorrow with appointments. I'd better go... OF calls!