Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thursday 12th - Getting there

Was very very tired this morning and slept through until 8.30am, which is a big sleep in for me. Did a few emaily type things and then arranged to meet Dad at Roma St station for a day out in Robina. That was really good, but despite sitting on the train for over an hour, then sitting in a cafe for a couple of hours, then sitting on a couch for another 20 minutes with a cup of tea, I still felt absolutely exhausted by the time we were on the train back home again. Brought a sickie bag (left over from the hospital) with me in case I felt nauseous again, but I didn't feel that way at all. I wonder if it was because perhaps I didn't drink as much yesterday, with it being a cooler day? I made sure I drank plenty today just in case that was the trigger.

D and T brought around a gorgeous meal of spaghetti bolognaise which D had prepared ahead of time at home. We'd provisionally planned to go out this evening but there was no way I could have handled a busy restaurant with the noise and the people. It was great to eat at home and not have to have prepared the meal. Dishes are minimal too, just the ones we used to eat off, yay. They left and took Dad with them before 9pm, so we have been relaxing on the couch and watched another episode of our favourite show. We love it.

Feeling good now but still tired. I'm finding it hard, generally, to think. Especially think and plan and have to make decisions about things. I hope that will get better in time. There is no way I could do maths at the moment or work anything out that involved more than one factor. The brain thinks it's too hard.