Saturday, February 28, 2009

Saturday 28th - Eye eye

Poor old L has a really sore eye. He mentioned last night how sore it was and later when I was snoozing in hospital, he ended up in A & E (at a different hospital) getting a piece of metal drilled out of it. Unfortunately he didn't realise that the hospital he went to was a private one until he got there, and it cost $300 to get the job done! On the plus side, he only had to wait for about 10 minutes. He's still in a lot of pain with it and has had to wear an eye patch. Swearing and cursing about everything. Somehow I'm not sure that playing his snowboarding game on the xbox without the eye patch is such a great idea...? He might go back to the hospital (a public one!) if it's not better by tomorrow. So we're the one-armed bandit and the one-eyed-pirate at the moment. What a pair!

On a cuter note, Suki the cat slept last night on the foot of the bed. That is the second time EVER she has slept on the bed. Apparently she was on my side (I guess L's legs are too long for her to sleep on his side). I don't know if I was imagining it, but she looked happy to see me when we got home. Unfortunately, I can't pick her up as I think she's over 2 kg. Haven't seen Zoxy (the other cat) yet, but no doubt she's around.