Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wednesday 25th - What a day!

Had a lovely lunch with Don at Pancake Manor in the city (cheap and cheerful), and talked about our future plans for work, life, etc.

Then! On the bus on the way home, had a call from the real estate agent, saying that the landlord wants to terminate our least in April (when it's due up anyways, but we were hoping to stay). He wants to move back in, which of course is his right! In some ways it's good because looking for another rental (we don't want to rush into buying) can give me something to do!

But wait, there's more! Mum text'd me (at the same time that I was texting her about us having to move out), that they were burgled in their home during the day. Both were out at the time. Seems like they just lost the laptop and step-father's (old) mobile phone. Fortunately, Mum had her thesis backed up on her pen drive, which they didn't take. It seems they were looking for cash; which luckily they don't have floating around the place! It's just not great to have all this happening as well...