Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wednesday 11th - Physio

Third was the physio, and she measured my arms in length and circumfrence, so that if I have any swelling later, they can measure that against the original measurements. She also checked my arm mobility and extension (all a-ok and apparently I'm very symmetrical!), also to refer back to if I have any problems, such as swelling or restriction of movement) in the future.

She also showed me exercises to do as soon as I wake up (ankle and wrist rotations, finger stretching and deep breathing), and further exercises to do as my wound is healing. She also gave me a booklet for further info and has arranged for me to see another physio after the operation to show me more exercises and even more for after the drain is removed. Apparently the second physio is the top physio in Australia for breast/surgery/recovery. So that's good! We didn't say anything about Mum being a physio :-)