Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Friday 13th - My Bed

I was wheeled up to 6A North, again thoughts of Monty Python! Luckily all the doors seemed to open automatically. It was weirder this time because I was lying down and really couldn't see a thing! They took me through to Bed 36, which turned out to be my very own room! I was really really surprised about that. I had my own ensuite shared with the room on the other side (of the ensuite). I even had a view out the window and could see an old Queenslander building and some nice green trees.

The nurses got me settled in and before I knew it, some visitors were also allowed in - and I was sooo happy to see them! I lay there for a bit and got my glasses and phone back and proceeded to text people that I was through the other side. I was feeling quite chirpy, if not rather pale and wobbly. The nurse helped me sit the bed up and I attempted to stand up and get out of bed to go to the toilet, but was unsuccessful in getting off the bed, so we left it for later. It wasn't that urgent anyways. She did put a pan thing in the toilet to collect my first wee though.