Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wednesday 11th - Whanau support group

It was so great having Mum and L there. Even though it must have been pretty boring for them, it was still so good just having them sitting with me. They were allowed into all of my mini-appointments and also could ask questions as well.

I really didn't think what a difference it would make having my 'whanau support group' with me, but it really did make me feel so much more relaxed and less overwhelmed/overawed by it all. I'm pretty sure I could also feel all those positive vibes and happy thoughts which are being sent in my direction from around the world as well.

I think it might be time to go to bed now! I was awake before it was even daylight this morning, which is pretty early in this part of the globe, and to begin with I was feeling a little bit miserable. But then I felt better by the time L went to the supermarket for some yummy breakfast goodies and have been feeling pretty chirpy all day.

Another big day tomorrow, but I know I can get through it. It all feels rather like clockwork and the systems are all in place for making it a smooth journey for me and everyone around me.