Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tuesday 10th - Meetings and more meetings

Had a phone call from the hospital today. It's all go go go. Got my appointment tomorrow (Wednesday) with the physio, breast nurse and anaesthetist. I think there might be a meeting with the gyno too, to talk about the possibility of fertility issues if we have to go down the chemo path. I really really hope that is not the case. It's all a bit mind-numbing still.

Then on Thursday I have an appointment with the Nuclear Medicines people. The lovely lady on the phone told me what that was about, but I didn't really take it in. I had to talk in the staffroom at work, as there was nowhere private to go in the building, so I had to keep it brief and to the point. She did tell me that I will have my op on Friday morning, which means a 6.30am start at the hospital; nil by mouth from midnight the night before.

She also told me about the drips I'll have and reiterated the possibility of lymph-node removal. I'm worried about that too. I hope they don't have to cut all those out, but I guess they gotta do what they gotta do. I hope I don't have a too-overly ambitious surgeon with the cutting part!