Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Monday 9th - First Appointment at the RBWH

Today was my appointment with the specialist at the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital. The appointment time was for 2.45pm, and L and I arrived in good time to an empty waiting area, thinking oh yeah, no-one else here. Then we were directed around the corner to the main waiting area... and it was chock-a-block full. I was so glad I'd brought my book as we waited for an hour and a half before seeing the specialist.

The specialist pretty much confirmed what we already knew - that I'll have to have surgery to remove the cancer. The options are A. mastectomy (breast removal), and B. breast conservation surgery ("lumpectomy") plus radiation therapy. Further down the track could be chemotherapy or hormone therapy. Fortunately at this stage they are opting for option B!

But it means about a 4cm area will be removed, which isn't small. They have to take the yucky bit (2cm) plus another area around that. Imagine an egg with the yolk and white. They also are going to take a sample lymph node to see if it's spread into that area. If it has, then they will also have to remove my lymph nodes from under my arm-pit (which I'm not particularly keen on as it doesn't sound very nice).

The most amazing thing is that the surgery will be this FRIDAY. I'm happy that it's soon, and it's only just enough time to get my head around it. I have a pre-surgery appointment on Wednesday with the breast nurse, anaesthetist, and physio to talk to me about things.

Then I'll be admitted on Friday and the surgery will take place that day. I'll stay in overnight on Friday night and possibly Saturday night (but unlikely). It will be my first time having a general anaesthetic since I was a wee thing and the first time staying overnight in hospital since I was born. I'm rather nervous about the whole thing.