Monday, February 16, 2009

Friday 13th - Holding Bay

They took me through to a smaller holding bay area, where it was just nurses and other patients on beds. I sat there for a wee while and watched them at work. I asked a nurse for something to put on my lips before going in for the anaesthetic, and she brought me some paraffin wax on a tongue-depressor. They were talking about lollies, but I was beyond worrying about food at that point. It was kind of sweet though, because another nurse came by and apologised to me because they were talking about food and she knew I would have been nil-by-mouth for quite a time. I said to her that I didn't mind at all - as long as they had the necessary means to be happy in their jobs everything was fine by me. The anaesthetic technician came in and told me I was second in line for surgery. She was kind of funny too. And one of the doctors of the three from earlier came in too, which was nice as it meant a kind of continuity with at least one familiar face.