Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Monday 9th - Surgery Worries

It sounds crazy and extremely vain, but I'm worried about how my breast will look after the surgery. I really hope they do a nice tidy job and the scar isn't too big! And there isn't a big gaping hole. The area is on the 'inside', ie right where any low-cut top would expose some skin. I guess when it comes down to it, there are more important things than wearing low-cut tops, but I LIKE my breasts the way they are and I've always been terrified of having surgery on them (I could never bring myself to watch those TV shows about cosmetic surgery where they show the cutting). I did ask if there is any possibility of me going in for the 'lumpectomy' and waking up with no breast, but they said no, that wouldn't happen. They'd consult me before doing that. Whew!