Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Wednesday 18th - Anxious!

Today's the day when we hope to find out the results from the sentinel node biopsy and the actual cancer itself. I'm anxious/nervous/excited/worried all rolled into one.

First up is a lovely ultra-sound scan of my uterus though. Got to do the old "drink 1 litre of water over 2 hours and don't pee" situation. I just hope they don't keep me waiting for too long once I'm there.

Then it's blood tests for L and I. We have opted not to do the genetic testing at this stage. L also has to take his little sample in (hehehe).

The main meeting is at 10.20am, but they've already warned me they will probably be running late. I hope not too late!

Then - I have a job interview for a job I really really want! For once, I'm not too fazed about a job interview. The other interview kind of overshadows everything else! Perhaps that's a good thing. Wish me luck on all accounts.